Stay At Amy's House
Amy's House is now TWO homes located at 11040-109 st and 11046 -109st Edmonton. The homes are a "Home Away From Home" for cancer patients and their families who must travel more then 150 Km's to Edmonton AB to receive their cancer treatments at the Cross Cancer Institute.
For more information or if you would like to apply to stay at Amy's House please call Trina Alain at 780-934-3979 for more info or email AMY'S HOUSE INFO
* The homes provide free accommodations during treatments for patients, spouses and/or their children. * Patients/Families are only permitted to stay in the home while they are actively undergoing treatment or surgery.
*The goal is to provide a comfortable environment so families do not have to be separated when they are far from home and so that patients are provided as much comfort as possible while in Edmonton. (as cancer is hard enough)
* Amy’s House is a non medical facility. All guests must be mobile and able to care for themselves.
* Only one family is permitted in each home at once with the intent of providing individuals the privacy they need as they go through their cancer journey.
*Accommodations are free. However it is asked that post-stay at Amy's House that patients consider paying it forward through a donation to help another family in need if they are able.
*The homes are fully furnished and have two bedrooms with a Queen size bed in each room as well as a potential third bedroom with a fold out futon.
* There is Wifi/TV/Air Conditioning/Fully stocked kitchen/Washer and Dryer/Dishwasher/ 12 minutes to Cross Cancer Institute and U of A Hospital and walking distance to Royal Alexandra Hospital
*Amy's House is currently not wheelchair accessible.